Love Wins with Benita and Friends: Episode 41 Through Thick and Thin

Meet Christina and Edward Sledge.  Being married for 22 years is a feat these days but starting out with only 2 quarters on their wedding night meant that it could only be an uphill battle.  Through love, faith and perseverance,…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Benita & Friends Ep: 38 – Discussing Sex/Life

This is a lively and honest conversation with two people that I absolutely love.  We are discussing Netflix’s series “Sex/Life”.  This dialogue explores our thoughts! Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Benita and Friends Episode 36: The Truth About the Lies with Sharon Matthews Fortune

Why do women stay with cheating men?  There are lots of excuses we tell ourselves to make us feel better about the decision to stay. Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 34: Getting Him/Her to Stay

We have the relationship and companion that we want.  How do we keep them?  We often hear stories of taking others for granted and no longer doing the things that attracted our mates in the first place. Special guests: Ajani…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 33: Is Love a Waste of Time?

Do we really need to “love” to spend the rest of our lives with someone?  Does love mean being “in love”? If you cannot meet… Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 32: The Approach

We started this conversation about nothing but love but we let it roll into a conversation about our approach.  How you approach a man or woman sets the tone for where the first meeting may lead. Love Wins the podcast…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 31: The Greatest Love

Do you remember a time that you had a love that made you “swoon”?  It was the kind of love that you crave and the… Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 30: When It’s Time to Walk Away

Somethings aren’t meant to last forever.  Even it certain aspects of your relationship feels good, sometimes it is still time to move on.  Tell us… Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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Love Wins w/ Benita & Friends

Love Wins with Ellis and Benita Episode 29: Are Women Aggressive?

Watching a reality show, some of the women who were darker in tone were labeled “aggressive” when they spoke out or spoke up about almost… Love Wins the podcast is about love, life, and relationships. The host Benita and her…

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