3 Guys Talking Smack & Listening To Music

3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Ep 14

Liam, Still Bill and Big P are back ( with a visit by Sweet T and her chaos), Old School, New School, Southern Soul, “Blue Lights in the Basement” “Liam’s Corner'(with jazz as smooth as Liam’s butt( according to Benita).
Who is this weeks’s  (Asshole of the Week?) Could it be Jada?

Listen for all this and MORE!

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6 Replies to “3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Ep 14”

  1. You Guys (And Sistas) are always so kind to me. Agree with Big P. Not a Jada fan. Don’t care about your marital status.If you happy,I am happy.Don’t drag a brother who has been dragged enough and still supports her..SMH

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