Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 2 Episode 12

Benita, Sweet T and Liza welcome Mr. C back for more shenanigans and bitchazzness! You gotta hear the week’s “In The News” and the “Dumb as F.UCK” recipient of the Week!
The shade continues for Omar of 3 Guys Talking Smack, Hot Jams and More! Mr. C even has a COW joke!
Can’t Make This Stuff UP!

(804) 321-1010

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5 Replies to “Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 2 Episode 12”

  1. The smack is always great,but this week’s jams were on point and on flow.Omar should leave the franchise if he is so unhappy. His posts are annoying and disturbing. Bitchassnes?

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