3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Episode 9

The Guys are back minus Omar with Sweet T and Benita! Check out our listener appreciation show! Shout out to everyone who sent requests and comments!

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10 Replies to “3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Episode 9”

  1. I will never be sad when something happens to the oppressor. No. Mitch McConnell having to pee, shit, or pass out will never make me sad. Fuck that nigger.

  2. I agree with Sweet T,Omar is a coward.A man would respond to his listeners.Typical of the hate mongers that spread lies to the uninformed masses but refuse to expose himself to anyone who questions his bullshit.You guys did a masterful job of not throwing him entirely under the bus.You have 3 guys and some talented sistas. Why do you put up with someone who leaves you holding the bag?
    On a brighter note,the music was amazing.Took me way back.

  3. Appreciate the shout outs. I love you guys and the music.Like the crossover of Sweet T and Liam on the two podcasts. Chemistry works.Blue Lights in the basement works.Omar leaving you guys on the hook again does not work.
    Skipping one show will not get him off the hook with many of your listeners

    Thanks for letting me express myself.Peace and Love

  4. Great mix of old school and new slow jams.I nominate Omar as the asshole of the YEAR for not showing up after talking shit.

  5. Fortunately, Omar still has job obligations, that offer a little financial assistance to go along with it monthly stipend from 3 Guys Talking Smack! I enjoy sharing the love of music, and like friendly banter, with the crew, but quickly grow weary of the elliptical arguments about race, and the petty name-calling. And besides, I’ve been called worst names, ..by better people.
    Carry-on with your lives
    , be at peace.🙏🏾

  6. What was friendly about your snipes and why did you have to mention that you were only sharing White artists because of affirmative action? You are in a state of denial.
    If this is your resignation, maybe your crew will not have to make excuses for your punk ass anymore

  7. Okay Big P,I was misguided when I criticized you and the other guys.This is my formal public apology.
    We have all grown a lot with the exception of one who has used the podcast as his personal opinion page.I hope this will keep “Fuck Ben ” out of Big P’s mouth .lol

  8. The guys with Benita and Sweet T is a great and better team IMHO. Hope you keep this configuration! Keep it Hot! Keep it Funny! Keep it Positive!

  9. Omar’s comments are not smack nor funny.Just mean spirited. No one else on this podcast spews this mean shit. I listen to both podcasts ,but am growing tired,He did this same stuff during covid.
    Too negative for me.

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