3 Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 2 Episode 4

The Sistas and Mr. C are back with the hottest jams and  scorching debate and commentary. Check out and respond to this discussion of interracial relationships that could only happen on  3  Sistas Talking Smack. Do you like a little cream in your coffee?

Check this episode out and share your comments and opinions @
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9 Replies to “3 Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 2 Episode 4”

  1. An opinion is like an asshole.Everyone has one. Your show has an opinionated uninformed asshole.

  2. Unfortunately,Mr. C’s opinions are all too common among our so called brothers. Always looking for that exotic forbidden fruit. We sisters are better off without them.

  3. What’s wrong with a different experience? If the brother’s needs weren’t being met by the sisters,what is the problem?

  4. So being with a Black woman is isolation. I and my Black man are successful and while we both have dated before our relationship,we have not crossed over.I disagree with Mr. C. The woman that a lot of Black men get were not wanted by White men.You get the leftovers

  5. Maybe Mr.C should take a listen to Dr.Umar Johnson. I have no problem with a loving interracial couple.My problem is the perceived advantage that this brother feels.Life is a social experiment in general. I don’t need a relationship to understand another culture. We understand White culture. We live in it every day and in some ways are a product of the majority culture

    Press on Sistas
    Wake this Kevin Samuels wannabe up!

  6. Damn Mr. C getting lots of attention!
    Maybe he should be added into the name of the podcast LOL… for real though…
    a person can only be the one to live their own life; so what does it matter to anybody else what he does in his life!!!
    I mean if the man is happy then let the man be happy.
    Everybody should be happy for him with his newfound happiness!!!!

  7. I don’t need a relationship with a White Boy to know what being White is all about. Their privilege and paternalism is open to see. Mr. C’s premise is ridiculous and probably just a justification for wanting a White woman.(which is fine with me)

  8. Agree with Nina.I wish Mr C well but would love to know what he has learned about her culture and what has she learned from his culture that was previously unknown.

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