3 Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 1 Episode 19

The Sistas and Mr. C are back! Mr. C was in hot water from the beginning thanks to his opening song! What’ your take? The songs are hot as well as the conversation. Are women programmed to be more nurturing than men?  Are today’s women fulfilling their pre- determined roles? These topics and more!
Waiting for your comments and shout outs!

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3 Replies to “3 Sistas Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 1 Episode 19”

  1. Great discussion. Great Show. I think the Sistas were too hard on Mr. C. The gender roles he described have been intact throughout history. Is it predestined for women to be more nurturing or is it learned behavior ? I don’t know. Mr. C acknowledged that men can nurture in the absence of a woman.
    We women have always done whatever is needed. And this podcast is needed

  2. IMHO .. Nick Cannon and people who admire him are missing the point. No man or woman can care equally and nurture 9 families. Regardless of income. This behavior coms straight from the slave holders that abused the bodies and psyche of enslaved women. My brother Mr. C is a misogynist .plain and simple. Responsibility is not limited to financial resources. Just ask Kanye

  3. I love this podcast. Mr. C couldn’t get the music or his thoughts straight today. His type of thinking makes our struggle even harder.

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