3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Ep 8

The Guys are back after a brief hiatus! Sweet Omar, Still Bill and Big welcome Benita and Sweet T who was filling in for Liam !

New segments include “The Asshole of the Week” and “Blue Lights in the Basement” We will still have the best of Old and New  School R&B, Neo Soul, Jazz and More!

Who do you nominate for our next “Asshole of the Week”? We welcome your comments, shot outs and requests!

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30 Replies to “3 Guys Talking Smack and Listening to Music Season 6 Ep 8”

    1. Best show to date.Love the new segments .Really feeling Blue Lights. Can I request some Bloodstone.Get well Liam!Stop yanking onn Benita lol

  1. Yall took me back.I would like to request some Dells and Major Harris for the Blue Lights in the basement.Good memories

  2. Is Omar MAGA? I nominate him for the Asshole of the Month for his Eric Clapton and Blue State snipes and feeling the need to only.have White artists. WTF?

    1. Omar defies categorization..
      Open to various ideas and philosophies..
      Narrow minds and myopia are hindrances to progress..o

      1. Narrow minds and myopia, huh? What progress can be made by excusing racism? Because he (Clapton) played with artists who were all better than him by the way doesn’t make him less of a racist.

        I will bring a big red nose to the show when I am back in town because I’ve found a category that suits you perfectly. You’re a clown! And I say that with love.

    2. I’m a student, however of MAGGA , the fourth Noble truth of Buddhism .. the eight steps of the Path to the cessation of suffering .,🕉️

  3. I think it was in bad taste to mock the demise of affirmative action.We are heading in the wrong direction. Women are being denied basic human rights and you excuse a racist rant from 76 that is being echoed here in the US today. I have listened for a few months and generally enjoy,but was moved to comment.

    1. Maybe time again for the reminder that the show was called three guys talking smack, not solving the problems of the world…
      Clowns are necessary to laugh at people who take themselves too seriously..,

      1. What the Hell are you talking about Omar.I asked about MAGA.Not impressed your attempt at humor and misdirection and your apparent hatred of self and culture. AGREE WITH LONG TIME LISTENER. You guys are in the birthplace of the confederacy. Is Omar blind or just a denier?We may not be solving the problems of the world,but ignoring them is disgraceful.Clown

  4. Omar’s comments are reflective of a lost ideal. His opinions don’t defy categorization.. His mind is the only narrow one. Not seeing that progress is in the rear view mirror indicates blindness to reality

    1. Carry on , good people
      don’t lament the fact that I can’t fit into your narrow box of political, and cultural beliefs. Y’all will be all right without me, maybe..
      look for the good in others and give them the best that you have

      1. No one is asking you to fit in a box. I just disagree with you and happy that I was able to express myself without censure. You asked for nominations for Asshole and I nominate you Omar. Free Speech ?Or do you only recognize the 2nd amendment?
        Can’t handle the heat? Leave Black Talk Radio Network and get out of the damn kitchen

      2. WTF? So you talk shit and now quit.You are a clown. Show us what is good in you.Don’t dare blame for your shameful actions. First you joke about affirmative action,then climate control in the midst of a deadly global heat wave.

  5. Do you guys remember “The beginning of my end” by the Unifics. Got to be the most depressing song ever,but great Blue Lights (in the corner) of the basement.lol

    1. I know everyone has a right to their own opinion and I respect that but Omar seems to have an angry gotcha personna.Especially when it’s not really related to toplc.How are threats to a weatherman open fodder for a political agenda?Don’t get upset when called out.I may have to go back to the Sistas.Don’t need the negative energy

  6. Maybe Omar would be better suited for the Fox News Network. Where the lies are unfair and not balanced.

  7. Good Show Can I request Do you get enough Love by Shirley Jones and dedicate it to the Sistas Talking Smack?

  8. You guys have hit the spot.Blue lights need one of my favs.Billy Stewart “I do love you”.Just don’t hear this stuff,Such a unique podcast.Checking out the Sistas now

  9. Diane, don’t let that turn you away. You were so into the music you didn’t even notice. You’re requested some music. We will play it for you (our longest listener). Please don’t leave again 😎👍🏽

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