The SISTAS are back and bringing the HEAT. Hot Jams and Heated Conversations and responses  to some listener comments. You gotta hear this one!

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  1. Yes, the sistas need more than once a month.Smart,unfiltered and jamming cuts,I vote Yes. That idiot called you angry.I call it confidence on steroids.

  2. You SISTAs proved my point. Especially the potty mouth one. Thank you Big P for acknowledging that I was only offering my opinion. Can’t you judge me without cursing me.I feel sorry for ya’ll menfolk. If you have one! I will continue to listen to the GUYS.

    1. Hi Edward I don’t think anyone proved your point. Certainly you are entitled to your opinion. However, I take issue with anyone who generalizes a particular group whoever they are. If you were listening then you would have heard me say that you may have had some negative experiences with black woman but that doesn’t make everyone the same. To that regard your comments are insulting to say the least. But because we don’t know each other it’s not personal. Although it could benefit you to see the world from a wider vantage point thereby expanding your repertoire of experiences. Perhaps maybe your healing will come from that place. Cinderella in real life does not look like the Disney version.

  3. I love the ladies (and the guys).Please ignore Edward. When the white girl drains his bank account and he is down and out, he will come crawling back to a Sister. This sister (ME) would leave his ass on the curb. The grass always seem greener on the other side.

    What do ya’ll think?

  4. Thank you Cherod for giving me permission to have my own opinion .Obviously I have had bad experiences with Black women,that’s why I prefer NON BLACK women. The guys talked football. A conversation that is more to my liking. This will be my last response to 3 Angry sistas

  5. I was accused of being racially insensitive because as a Black woman.I will only date Black men.I have nothing against interracial dating for others.

    What do you sistas think?

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