Robert E. Lee monument, Richmond, VA

Richmond’s 130 yr old, Bronze Idol of Insurrectionist & Racist Robert E. Lee To Be “Cut Up”

By Scotty T. Reid – The associated press is reporting that “A towering statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee is about to come down from a place of honor in Virginia’s capital city.” AP reporter Denise Lavoie writes, “A towering statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, will be taken down on Wednesday as a symbol of racial injustice, more than 130 years after it was erected in tribute to the South’s Civil War leader.”

Lavoie also reports that the 21-foot bronze idol to the racist, traitorous and insurrectionist Lee would be “cut into two pieces” for transport after it is removed from its nearly 50-foot pedestal overlooking a major Richmond street in the former Capital of the unrecognized renegade states in rebellion against the United States of America over slavery.

In Monday’s news release, state officials said that preparations for the statue’s removal will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday when crews will install protective fencing. The idol itself will be removed on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Historical documents and news reports of the time period make it unambiguously clear that the terrorist and insurrectionists committed treason in order to maintain and expand slavery fearful and unaccepting of the election of a moderate “abolitionist” candidate from a newly formed abolitionist’s Republican party to become President. Also at the core of their confessional constitution was to institutionalize racial and gender inequality in the so-called Confederate States of America.

While the disgraced Lee accepted the 13th Amendment, which on the surface seemed to abolish slavery, except of course as punishment for crime, Robert E. Lee never accepted that “negros” should be allowed full citizenship rights and was a strong proponent of denying African-Americans the rights they won when joining the Union Army or supporting it in other roles and defeating the rebel states. Lee wanted Virginia and indeed the entire United States, to implement a racist system that would come to be known today as Jim Crow, whereas states illegally discriminated against US citizens based on their skin color until later federal intervention during the 50s and 60s.

Insurrectionists like Robert E. Lee never paid fully for their crimes against humanity or their crimes of insurrection against the United States, President Andrew Johnson would come along after the assassination of President Lincoln by a confederate sympathizing terrorist, and give Lee and his fellow traitors amnesty. A mistake that plays no small role in the continued existence and tolerance of race-based terrorism in the United States today and who can forget the Confederate terrorists flag white nationalists have adopted as their own parading down the halls of Congress during the Jan 6, 2021 insurrection.

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